31 March 2008

Now We Know Why Kenyan Runners Are So Fast

Thanks to Pastor Karl of the Nashwauk Alliance Church in northern Minnesota and running blogger at The Faster Pastor for ferreting out why Kenyan runners are so fast.
Kip Lagat, a Kenyan marathoner [actually a middle distance runner --Bob--], explained why his country produces so many great marathoners with these words: It's the road signs: Beware of Lions.

Lagat apparently said this during the Sydney Olympics -- The Final Sprint. (The picture is from the NTN New York web page.)

Run well, y'all -- and watch out for felines on steroids,


Lily on the Road said...

Yikes, who knew!!!

Nitmos said...

I'd like to think I'm faster when a Lion chases me but, until you are put in that situation, who can tell?

Anonymous said...

I ran a 10K training run in South Africa near the Kruger Game Park a few years ago. Before I started, they cautioned me about what I might run into and what to do if I did. Fasted 10K I ever ran :-)

Dr. J